Armed Forces Centre for Defense medicine /Försvarsmakten


Target Group: PhD student (1 month)

Project description: Male infertility in a military occupation with prolonged EMF exposure – a case study

Description of Joint Centre for Defense Medicine, Swedish Armed Forces, Gothenburg, Sweden
The main goal of the Centre is to preserve the wellbeing of personnel. The Joint Centre for Defense Medicine is responsible for recruiting and training healthcare personnel, in areas from preventive medicine to emergency medical treatment. The Centre also develop methods and tactics within the field of healthcare. Our members are officers, group commanders, officer reservists and civilian specialists in areas from preventive medicine to emergency medical treatment.1 

Description of project
Available studies indicate that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) have effects on sperm parameters, affect the role of kinases in cellular metabolism and the endocrine system, and produces genotoxicity, genomic instability and oxidative stress.2 Persons working near electronic article surveillance devices represent an exceptional group of workers with respect to exposure to low or intermediate frequency electromagnetic fields.3 In addition, many other occupational groups are exposed to high frequency EMF (RF-EMF), i.e. mast maintenance workers in radio communication facilities and military workers. Standard devices used by military personnel that may pose electromagnetic hazard include radars, missile systems, radio navigation systems and radio transceivers.4  It is however unclear whether these exposures constitute a health risk for the military personnel.  

The present project concerns a soldier with a clinically diagnosed infertility that has been working with tracking explosive devices in Afghanistan. During his work he has been using Electronic Countermeasures to prohibit detonation of the explosive devices. An exposure assessment has been made and a manuscript has been initiated. 

Goal:  To finish writing and publish a case-study based on clinical data and exposure data.  


Suitable qualifications of applicant:  

  • Background in occupational medicine/hygiene, toxicology, epidemiology, or similar fields  
  • Skills in literature search strategies 
  • Strong communication skills 
  • Scientific writing (English) 

Project period:  From April 2025 

Workplace: Your ordinary workplace, but with the possibility to visit Joint Centre for Defense Medicine in Gothenburg and Uppsala Academic Hospital. Digital meetings will be arranged. 

Interaction with other people:  Associate Prof. Robert Wålinder, Uppsala Academic Hospital. 

Contact person: Dr. Fabian Taube, associate professor, phone: +46 70-335 14 09, Email: 

